About Me

Hello! I'm Sharlene, your dedicated life coach, and I am excited to join you on a journey towards a more fulfilling life. Together, we will work towards identifying your goals, overcoming challenges, and unlocking your full potential.

Professional Background: I started my career as a bench scientist in biopharmaceutical development, holding a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Over time, I progressed to leadership positions that involved managing global cross-functional teams. Alongside my career and family responsibilities, I pursued an MBA while working full-time and raising my children. My hands-on experience and leadership roles have helped me develop strong interpersonal and collaborative skills.

Life Challenges and Growth: Over the course of my life, I've faced various challenges, such as changing careers, going through a divorce, and losing loved ones. These experiences have given me a deep understanding of the emotions associated with difficult times. Having someone who can offer impartial advice during those moments proved incredibly valuable. As a life coach, I use my experience to help others set goals, better understand themselves, and grow from the challenges they face.

Education and Experience: After taking a transformative sabbatical, I pursued a health coaching certificate. When I returned to work, I diversified my career by taking on new roles as a project manager in a smaller biotech company and later as a consultant. However, my desire to positively impact people's lives led me to take another career break. I decided to pursue a professional Life Coach credential from the Certified Life Coach Institute.

Passions That Shape Me: My family is the foundation of my identity, and I cherish their love, support, and the moments we share. I'm fascinated by discovering new cultures and exploring new places. Experimenting with new recipes brings joy to our family gatherings. Meeting new people ignites my creativity, and learning something new keeps me engaged. Sailing allows me to connect with nature and experience a unique excitement.

Coaching Philosophy: I am passionate about empowering others by guiding them through self-discovery, growth, and achievement. Witnessing others thrive fuels my purpose.

Are you looking for a partner to accompany you on your journey of personal transformation? Look no further! I am well-equipped to assist you with my professional background, dedication to personal growth, and unique life experiences. As a compassionate and open-minded coach, I am committed to helping you set and achieve your goals. Together, let's unlock the doors to a truly fulfilling life.

Explore my professional and life coach journey by connecting with me on LinkedIn!

My Approach

  • Prioritizing the crafting of agreements to cover coaching details, logistics, fees, scheduling, and confidentiality. Aligning goals with client aspirations using a collaborative, transparent approach.

  • Our partnership thrives in a safe, open space of mutual respect and trust. I aim to understand your identity, environment, experiences, values, and beliefs, adapting my coaching to your unique style. I acknowledge and support your talents, fostering trust through openness and transparency. Vulnerability strengthens that trust, creating a space where you feel heard, understood, and valued.

  • My interaction style is mindful and adaptable. I stay focused, observant, and responsive to your needs. Providing support requires effectively managing emotions and addressing strong feelings. I embrace uncertainty to create a safe space for reflection, allowing us to explore your thoughts and feelings at your own pace.

  • Achieving a thorough understanding involves taking into account both spoken and unspoken words, as well as one's context, identity, experiences, and values. Clarity is ensured by reflecting on what has been said, seeking clarification, and exploring subtleties, while valuing emotions and non-verbal cues.

  • Your journey will be facilitated through the use of questions, silence, and metaphors, while respecting your unique experience. Your awareness will be fostered, your development will be supported, and factors influencing your behavior will be identified. Compassionate support is offered to reframe perspectives and encourage continuous learning.

  • Working together, we will turn your ideas and observations into meaningful actions, while also fostering your independence. I will work closely with you to ensure that your suggestions and input are taken into account when setting goals and planning your next steps. Along the way, I will help you anticipate potential outcomes, plan ahead, and address any obstacles or challenges that may arise. At the end of our sessions, we will reflect on what we have achieved together and chart a course for your next steps, with genuine enthusiasm and excitement..

Let’s Talk!